Rainbow Garden Tourism Park, The Beauty of Colorful Flowers in Gowa

Travelling —Senin, 1 Nov 2021 14:43
Rainbow Garden Tourism Park, The Beauty of Colorful Flowers in Gowa
Rainbow Garden Tourism Park, The Beauty of Colorful Flowers in Gowa/ pinterest

POSTPANGANDARAN- Parks are often an alternative tourist attraction, starting to be visited by tourists during weekend holidays.

Besides being able to refresh your eyes in the garden, you and your family can also find family warmth among thousands of flowers.
The feelings of joy and happiness that you feel when you are in the park also bring positive things when you start your activities again.

Indonesia has several flower garden attractions, one of which is Rainbow Garden Gowa in South Sulawesi.

A beautiful flower garden that is perfect for selfies because it is instagramable, several types of flowers decorate this garden.
And now it is being visited by residents of Makassar and its surroundings.

Rainbow Garden Gowa is a garden with various types of flowers, the most dominant being celosia, sunflower and knobs. Uniquely, this park is right in the middle of rice fields.

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These flowers are neatly arranged in such a way that they are very beautiful to look at. These flowers are also regularly replaced every three months and given special care so that visitors who come for the umpteenth time do not get bored and maintain their beauty.

There is a colorful windmill garden that can be used as the next spot, then there is also a unique triangular gazebo.
The most epic moment is when the sun goes down which makes the atmosphere serene and the scenery is even more beautiful with the twilight rays sweeping the garden.

Rainbow Garden Gowa is located on Jalan Dato Ripanggentungang, Tamarunang, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi.
The operating hours of the tour are 07.00-18.00 WITA, open every day.

for tourist attraction facilities there are parking areas, toilets, food and beverage stalls, gazebos, interesting photo spots, and others.
The ticket price is very affordable, which is IDR 10,000 per person, the price can change at any time. NN

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Editor: Ajeng

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