Ujung Genteng Sukabumi Beach, Suitable For Those Of You Who Want To Pull Over

Travelling —Rabu, 3 Nov 2021 13:56
Ujung Genteng Sukabumi Beach, Suitable For Those Of You Who Want To Pull Over
Ujung Genteng Sukabumi Beach, Suitable For Those Of You Who Want To Pull Over- pinterest

SUKABUMI, POSTPANGANDARAN- The beach is one of the most popular places to unwind from the daily routine.
Especially if you want a quiet atmosphere and not visited by many, I recommend Ujung Genteng Sukabumi beach.

Ujung Genteng Beach is a beach that is not so crowded, maybe because it is quite far from the center of Sukabumi city. So many say Ujung Genteng Beach is one of the hidden paradises in Sukabumi.

This beach, which is a tourist attraction in the Ciletuh Geopark area, Sukabumi. As we all know, the Ciletuh Geopark has many tourist attractions that can be visited.

Ujung Genteng Beach is located in Gunung Batu Village, Ciracap District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

The route that can be taken from the direction of Jakarta includes going to Ciawi and then arriving at Pelabuhan Ratu. The distance to be taken is quite far, but along the way you will be treated to views of the shady green trees.

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After arriving at Surade, all you have to do is look for directions that will take you to Ujung Genteng Beach.

For those of you who come from Bandung, you can direct your vehicle to Sukabumi via Cianjur, then continue the journey until you pass Jampang Tengah, Jampang Kulon, and finally arrive at Surade.

The distance to be taken is quite far, but along the way you will be treated to views of the shady green trees that are soothing.

In addition, the road conditions are very good, and can be passed by any type of vehicle. Whether it's a motorbike, a car or even a bus./nn

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Editor: Ajeng

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