Ciwayang Rafting Tour, Tour Tracing Upstream Rivers in Pangandaran

Travelling —Jumat, 31 Dec 2021 09:43
Ciwayang Rafting Tour, Tour Tracing Upstream Rivers in Pangandaran
Ciwayang Rafting Tour, Tour Tracing Upstream Rivers in Pangandaran- Pinterest

POSTPANGANDRAN- Something is being hit and viral in Pangandaran, Body Rafting Ciwayang is one of the newest tourist destinations that can make your year-end vacation different.

Ciwayang is the headwaters of the river that flows into the Green Canyon, this river has cliffs and stalactites that will add to the beautiful scenery when going through the Ciwayang Body Rafting track.

This tourist attraction is of course the fun of wading through a clear river with exotic views spoiling the eyes, the body rafting distance is around -+3 Km and a duration of 2 to 3 hours, long enough and satisfied, right?

For those of you who are trying the Bdy Rafting tour for the first time, don't worry because this Ciwayang Rafting body uses a guide or professional staff and the recommended equipment.

Ciwayang Rafting Ticket Prices

And if you have traveled body rafting elsewhere, you will also get another unforgettable experience at this Ciwayang body rafting.

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By ordering tickets worth 135,000 per person (subject to change at any time) you will get the following facilities:

Body rafting equipment

Live Jacket and Helmet

Body rafting guide

Waterproof Bag

Have lunch

Drugs/first aid


Ciwayang Rafting Location

If you are interested in doing body rafting at the Ciwayang river, you can visit the Cigugur District, Pangandaran Regency. From Pangandaran City, it is only 40 minutes away.

Don't forget to pay attention to the condition of your body when you want to do body rafting, make sure you're in good shape and healthy, bring enough supplies and wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. Happy holidays friends- Rs

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Editor: Ajeng

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