The Beauty of Muaragetah Beach Tourism, Pangandaran

Travelling —Senin, 29 Nov 2021 11:18
The Beauty of Muaragetah Beach Tourism, Pangandaran
The Beauty of Muaragetah Beach Tourism, Pangandaran - youtube

POSTPANGANDARAN- Muaragatah Beach is one of the tourist destinations located at the very end of Pangandaran Regency, precisely in Cireuma Hamlet, Kertamukti Village, Pangandaran Regency, West Java.

This beach is located on the border between Cimerak, Pangandaran Regency and Cikalong, Tasikmalaya Regency. From Pangandaran beach the distance is about 47 KM with about 1 to 2 hours drive by using two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

This tourist spot that is not too crowded with visitors has beautiful views of the surrounding rocks and hills. At low tide, tourists can look for small fish trapped in the rocks on the beach.

Muaragatah Beach Tourism Attractions, Ciamis

1. Beautiful and Beautiful Rocks

The appearance displayed by the combination of hills and towering rocks provides a stunningly beautiful view for beach visitors here.

Expanse of coral reefs scattered along the coastline which gives a unique impression to this beach itself.

From the top of the hill, we can see the beautiful view of the free sea with the waves crashing against the rocks.

Of course, coupled with the sound and aroma of the sea that cools the atmosphere.

2. Ornamental Fish on the Rocks of Muaragatah Beach

Lots of tourists who have the pleasure of ornamental fish visiting here.

At Muaragatah Beach Pangandaran you can find ornamental fish trapped in quite a lot on the sides of the Rock

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3. Sunset Spots

You can enjoy this beautiful and stunning sunset at Muaragatah Beach.

Plus while walking leisurely with loved ones will definitely liven up the atmosphere!

4. Still Untouched by Many People

This beach is perfect for those of you who crave private-life beach.

The natural conditions on this beach are still very well preserved and display a million natural beauties that are very suitable to be used as your tourist destination with friends or family.

Facilities at Muaragatah Beach

For public facilities, not quite well managed on this beach.

Road signs, public toilets, and information centers are still not available as a means of supporting tourism on this beach.

However, there is already an open field as a place for a parking area for both two- and four-wheeled vehicles.

This beach is still very beautiful and natural, because not too many people visit here, so the beach here is free of garbage.

You can camp on this beach by renting a tent for 40 thousand rupiah at the outdoor equipment sale on the road around to the beach location.

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Editor: Ajeng

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