Situ Gunung Bridge and Curug Sawer Travel Trails in Sukabumi

Travelling —Sabtu, 13 Nov 2021 13:02
Situ Gunung Bridge and Curug Sawer Travel Trails in Sukabumi
Situ Gunung Bridge and Curug Sawer Travel Trails in Sukabumi - pinterest

POSTPANGANDARAN- Sukabumi is famous for its tourist attractions, namely Pelabuhan Ratu which is famous for its exotic and mystical beaches.

However, there are other interesting places to visit, namely the Situ Gunung Bridge and Curug Sawer which offer beauty and serenity.

With a length of 250 meters and an altitude of 150 meters, this suspension bridge has been recognized as the longest bridge in Indonesia.

You can also enjoy the beauty and charm of the amazing natural surroundings like in a fairy tale.

After successfully passing the Situ Gunung Suspension Bridge, visitors do not immediately meet the waterfall. Visitors must walk across the stone steps with a distance of approximately 1 kilometer. The time needed to cross the stairs is approximately 30 minutes.

Well, not far from the bridge, you will also find the Sawer waterfall that will thrill and provide extraordinary coolness.

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Curug Sawer itself has a height of 35 meters. The flow of water fell straight down very fast. This waterfall is on the side of a rock cliff that is so high. Where on the side of the cliff is overgrown with plants and dense bushes that make it look beautiful.

Underneath, there is a pool with water that is so clear. On the side of the pond, there are many piles of stones that are wet from the splash of the waterfall.

Not many visitors swim because of the swift waterfall that descends. For those of you who want to swim, you have to be careful, guys.

Location of Situ Gunung Bridge and Curug Sawer

The location of this tourist spot is on Jl. Kadudampit, Gede Pangrango, Kadudampit, Sukabumi, West Java 43153

For entry tickets, you will only be charged Rp. 16,000 and Rp. 18,000 for holidays. / RS

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Editor: Ajeng

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