Kebumen Mangrove Forest, Green Tourism with Instragambale Spot

Travelling —Jumat, 5 Nov 2021 13:03
Kebumen Mangrove Forest, Green Tourism with Instragambale Spot
Kebumen Mangrove Forest, Green Tourism with Instragambale Spot- Fb Hutan Mangrove

POSTPANGANDARAN- Tourism that soothes the eye is certainly green nature tourism with views of the water that makes the heart calm and fresh.
In addition to the beach in Kebumen, there is a Mangrove forest tour with stunning green views.

The father's mangrove forest area is located not far from Logending Beach, precisely at the mouth of the Bodo River, Ayah District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province.

Here there are many types of mangrove plants that are densely planted around the coast of the father.
Tours to this area will increase the knowledge and experience of visitors, because the mangrove ecosystem at the mouth of the Bodo River is still in its growth stage.

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The mangrove forest which is now an educational tourism area is recognized as having many benefits. Apart from being a coast guard, now the location has become an educational area.

In fact, visitors can not only enjoy the beauty of the natural panorama there. They can also participate in maintaining and conserving mangrove forests. One of them is by planting mangrove tree seeds.

In addition, in this tourist spot there are also several photo spots with views, there is a gazebo to enjoy the natural beauty of the coast and mangrove forests.

Besides that, here you can also take a boat to go around the mangrove forest.-RS

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Editor: Ajeng

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