The World Is Getting Chaotic, Will Jaya Baya's Prophecy Will Happen Soon?

LifeStyle —Kamis, 3 Jun 2021 15:32
The World Is Getting Chaotic, Will Jaya Baya's Prophecy Will Happen Soon?
The World Is Getting Chaotic, Will Jaya Baya's Prophecy Will Happen Soon?/ Walpaperbetter


Sometimes God gives others plans to live by hinting at nature to read. So that we can know what will happen and might happen.

The number of unplanned events that provoke a commotion often raises the question of whether the ancient prophecies about the predicted destruction of the world will happen.

In Jayabaya's prophecy, which was predicted by King Jayabaya with the title Sri Maharaja Sri Warmmeswara Madhusudana Wataranindita Paraklama Digjayo Tungga Dewanama Jaya Bhayalancana, there are 8 predictions.

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The eight prophecies are Murcaning Noyogenggong Sabdopalon, Ant Ireng Calves, Kebo Nyabrang Kali, Kejahh Saumur Maize Karo Wong Cebol, Pitik Tarung Sak Kandang, Toad Ijo Ongkang-ongkang, Rat Pithi Anoto Baris and the reincarnated Noyogenggong Sabdo Palon.

Murcaning Noyogenggong Sabdopalon

Noyogenggong and Sabdo Palon are kinds of semar characters in the Javanese version of the Mahabharata. Noyogenggong is a symbol of adviser alias the king's companion or westernized with ministers who are members of the President's assistant cabinet.

Semut Ireng Anak-anak Sapi

Joyoboyo's prediction about 'Semut Ireng Calves' is often associated with the arrival of Europeans, namely the Portuguese and the Dutch to colonize Indonesia. White Europeans are known to be diligent and tenacious working like black ants. They also always drink cow's milk since they were babies.

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Kebo nyabrang Kali

This is related to the evacuation of the Dutch royal government to England.

This means having the meaning of bringing the wealth of the archipelago by foreign nations abroad.

Kejahja Saumur Jagung Karo Wong Cebol

This prediction means that the Japanese will only colonize Indonesia for as long as corn, that is, it won't take long. But Joyoboyo's prediction about this is doubtful. Joyoboyo lived in the years 1130 to 1157, while the new corn plant was known in the 1400s.

Pitik Tarung Sak Kandang

This prediction is related to the G30 S PKI event (September 30 PKI Movement) in 1965 which killed 7 army generals. The prophecy was actually a signal from the poets of that time so that people would be aware of the threat of national disintegration or division. Events of disintegration until now still often occur. Even on a small scale.

Tikus Pithi Anoto Baris

The prophecy symbolizes the common people who have dreams and aspirations to achieve their dreams. But that dream never came true because of the corrupt ruling elites who acted on their terms.

As a result, these small people unite to find a way to determine their own life. "Pithi rats are like little people who always have hope to achieve their dreams but are hindered by corrupt behavior from the political elite. So then they unite to find their way. Prophecies, jayabaya predictions, 2021 forecasts, jayabaya, latest predictions, 2021 forecasts, predictions Indonesia 2021.

Reincarnation of Noyogenggong Sabdo Palon

Noyogenggong and Sabdo Palon are kinds of semar characters in the Javanese version of the Mahabharata. Noyogenggong is a symbol of adviser alias the king's companion or westernized with ministers who are members of the President's assistant cabinet.

Noyogenggong is a symbol of advisor or companion of a king who in wayang stories is known as Punokawan. Before the 2014 presidential and vice-presidential elections, many expected that Joko Widodo would be the Queen of Justice as predicted by Joyoboyo./RS

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Editor: Ajeng

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