Delicious Egg Roll Cookies Recipe With Soft and Crispy Texture

Food —Sabtu, 30 Oct 2021 15:44
Delicious Egg Roll Cookies Recipe With Soft and Crispy Texture
Delicious Egg Roll Cookies Recipe With Soft and Crispy Texture//PINTEREST


Egg roll is one of the most popular pastries. In addition to its delicious taste, its crunchy texture makes us addicted to consuming it. The recipe and how to make egg rolls are also not too difficult because the ingredients needed are quite few.

The result is not inferior to packaged egg rolls like Monde. At first glance, egg roll cake is almost similar to semprong cake. In fact, the ingredients and how to make them are different.

The ingredients for egg roll are more dominant in eggs. While the semprong cake is more dominant in sago and coconut. In addition, you can also be creative in recipes such as adding food coloring to produce a rainbow egg roll which is certainly more eye-catching.

Egg Roll Cookies Recipe

Recipe and how to make delicious egg roll cookies with a soft and crunchy texture.


4 eggs
150 grams of powdered sugar
150 grams of wheat flour
2 tablespoons tapioca flour
1 teaspoon sp
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon powdered milk
1/2 teaspoon extra vanilla
100 grams of melted margarine

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How to make:

Combine eggs, sp, and powdered sugar in a large bowl. Beat or mixer all the dough on medium speed until fully fluffy and thickened.
Then add tapioca flour, wheat flour, milk powder, extra vanilla, and baking powder. Mix all the ingredients with a spatula until they are completely combined.
Then add the margarine that you previously melted. Knead the dough again.
Heat the egg roll mold.
Pour 1 tablespoon of batter in the middle of the mold. Immediately cover and press the mold so that the dough is thin. Then bake for about 5 minutes until the dough is completely cooked.
When it is browned and slightly dry, remove the cake and roll it using chopsticks.
Let the egg roll cool before removing the chopsticks. Continue this process until all the dough is used up.
Once cool, store the egg rolls in an airtight jar to keep them crispy.
Egg roll cookies are ready to be served anytime.
With this recipe, you can now make egg roll cookies whenever you want. Good luck! 

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Editor: Ajeng

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